Rebuilding combat injured veteran’s lives through the game of golf
All too often, combat veterans and corpsman return home struggling with life-altering physical injuries and mental health disorders. At Operation Game On (OGO), we introduce these vets to the game of golf, which gives them the tools they need to adjust to civilian life and begin their physical and mental rehabilitation journey.
Golf as rehab
Founded in 2008 by Vietnam veteran, Tony Perez, Operation Game On begun as a way to offer support and assistance to local combat injured veterans returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s a come as you are program - we don’t require any golf experience or clubs to join. Since it’s launch, OGO has helped more than 650 combat wounded vets gain confidence, community, and a sense of accomplishment through the game of golf!
Why golf?
Golf requires a lot of focus and concentration, which can help encourage our vets to find a moment where they think about nothing else but the task at hand - getting a little ball into a hole in the ground. We believe these moments allow for clarity as they begin their rehabilitation journey.
Golf also provides a peaceful atmosphere for our vets to relax, be outdoors, and enjoy camaraderie with others who understand the complexities of combat service. After military service, it can be easy for veterans to lose a sense of purpose and community…golf can help restore both.